2009년 1월 15일 목요일

Techno Innovation Park

Entering the wide TIP lobby, you will see the front desk and cushiony sofa. To the right of the front desk, there is a laundry named Hayannara, which means ‘white country’ in English. To the left of the front desk, there is an IBK bank branch which has very kind worker. Next, there is the Noel bakery. Its bread is so delicious. Finally, there is a coffee shop which sells very cheap beverage.
On the opposite side of the coffee shop, you will see a rather small pavilion of enterprises associated with my school. There is a clean bathroom next to it.
Walking near there, you will see a fast-food BBQ restaurant on your right. Beside BBQ, there is a lending library. From the front the lending library, you can see the lobby again. You return there, you can also see a GS25 convenience store.
Going up to the second floor through stairs beside the mail boxes in the lobby, you will see another lobby, and a billiard room crowded with guys ahead of you. Across from the billiard room, there is a clothing store. Walking straight to the other side, you will see the Beer Hunter pub.
From the second floor to the sixth floor, there are many laboratories and engineering facilities. Especially, there is also a fitness club and a garden on the sixth floor. Above the sixth floor, there are many rooms used for dormitories. At the top of the building, there is a flickering light so that airplanes can be aware of TIP building.

2009년 1월 13일 화요일

Instant Noodles

HooroorookHooroorookjjabjjab. I slurped down pakage of instant noodles yesterday. For me, instant noodles are one of the most delicious foods. It is noodles and soup. The noodles are yellowish, long, thin and curly; the soup is rather hot and pungent. It also sometimes includes an egg, vegetables, a dumping or a slice of rice cake. It goes well with gimbap(rice rolled in dried sea-weed) and gimchi well. I love instant noodles!

2009년 1월 11일 일요일

Visiting my uncle's new house.

My family and I went to my uncle's new house last December 27. In his house, there are four rooms and two restrooms. It is very big. I think it was very expensive. I felt envious. Other relatives also came there, too. There were twenty people visiting. My relatives and I ate many delicious foods. Next, my cousin, my older brother and I watched the movie "Over Speed Scandal" in the movie theater nearby the house. After we returned, we drank and talked. I was very happy because I hadn't met my cousins or my older brother for a long time. The next day, my family and I returned to our house. It was very a nice weekend.

Idea of a Perfect Day - 2Day Writing(modified)

I think that a perfect day is a happy day. For me, a happy day is one during which I do something with precious people around me. Whatever the place, whatever the season, I am happy if I am with my family, my boyfriend or my friends.
A perfect spring day is one during which I go on a picnic with my friends. The weather would be warm and fresh. We each would have a lunch box full of delicious food, and we would somewhere like an amusement park, a mountain, or the sea. We would be very happy just because we are together. Maybe a perfect fall day is similar to this.
A perfect summer day is one during which I am with my boyfriend on a beautiful beach. The weather would be hot but there are would be a cool wind. I would wear a bikini and be very sexy. My tall, handsome boyfriend who loves me very much would be beside me. My boyfriend and I would play on the beach during the daytime, and look at the shining stars at the night. People would envy us.
A perfect winter day is one during which I am with my family in a warm house. We would lie on a warm floor and watch television. We would also eat potatoes, roasted sweet potatoes, roasted chestnut or fruit and laugh loudly at the television show.
I love to do things with precious people around me. The days during which I do something with my family, or my boyfriend, my friends are some of the happiest and a perfect day. I always hope for and look forward to those the days.

2009년 1월 8일 목요일

Move into a new room of TIP.

I moved into room 1757 of TIP at December 29, 2007. When I departed my room, I arranged my things including computer, clothes, toilet articles. Then, I met my roommate. Her name is Sooyoung and she is freshman of my school. Because she has good character, she make me comfortable quickly. I love my room and my roomate.

I moved into room 1757 of TIP at December 29, 2007. When I departed my room, my things including computer, clothes, toilet articles, was arranged by me. Then, I met my roommate. Her name is Sooyoung and she is freshman of my school. Because she has good character, I was made comfortable quickly. My room and my roommate are loved by me.

Violence in the media.

Thesedays, there is a lot of violence in the media and much talk about violence in the media.
In my opinion, it is natural that there is violence in the media, because there is also violence in reality. If there is no voilence in the media, there is not reality. Although media is just media, I think it should similar to reality.
Because the adults can distingush right or wrong, it is okay if people want to watch violence on TV or movie as long as they don't act violently. But, censhorship is nessesary in movie or TV show for children. They don't discern what is good or bad thing.
To sum up, I agree to make a movie or TV show including violence but censorship is nessesary in case of the young children which have possibility to follow violent acting.

2009년 1월 7일 수요일

Plan on this weekend

I work for GS25 in the TIP on weekends. This weekend, I am also going to work there. Because I work 11:00a.m. to 11:00p.m. on saturdays, I am going to get up at 10:00a.m. and going to go to work at 11:00a.m. After working, I am going to go to bed early.
The next day, sunday, in order to go to work in time, I am going to get up at 8:00a.m. and going to go to work at 9:00a.m. I am going to work 9:00a.m. to 7:00p.m. After working, I am going to having a dinner with my boyfriend and we are going to go to cafe, dayday, and talking. Later, I am going to do my homework and go to bed about 3:00a.m.